ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 | 12-17 August 2001 | Los Angeles, California

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Illumination & Textures

Session Chair: Mathieu Desbrun (University of Southern California and California Institute of Technology)

Photo-Realistic Rendering of Knitwear Using the Lumislice

Ying-Qing Xu
Microsoft Research China

Yanyun Chen
Microsoft Research China

Steve Lin
Microsoft Research China

Hua Zhong
Microsoft Research China

Enhua Wu
Microsoft Research China

Baining Guo
Microsoft Research China

Heung-Yeung Shum
Microsoft Research China

A Physically-Based Night Sky Model

Henrik Wann Jensen
Stanford University

Frédo Durand
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Michael M. Stark
University of Utah

Simon Premoze
University of Utah

Julie Dorsey
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Peter Shirley
University of Utah

Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes

Pedro V. Sander
Harvard University

Steven J. Gortler
Harvard University

John Snyder
Microsoft Research

Hugues Hoppe
Microsoft Research

Constrained Texture Mapping for Polygonal Meshes

Bruno Lévy